3 Ways to find your Freedom through Intention

We invited our dear friend, Nisha Moodley – Women’s Leadership Coach and founder of Global Sisterhood Day to share 3 ways you can find your freedom through intention.

When we choose to truly live with intention, that intention flows through everything we do.  It impacts the big choices we make, from our work to relationships, and shapes our everyday decisions, from how we choose to eat and adorn our bodies.

As a Women’s Leadership Coach, one of the biggest challenges I see for big-hearted women is that even though we have the best of intentions – a deep desire to serve & do our part to make the world a better place through our everyday actions – we often get bogged down by our work.

We care so deeply and want to accomplish so much, that we devote ourselves to our work in the world, and can easily get burned out and overwhelmed.  As a result, we often find our daily practices falling out-of-alignment with our true intentions.

We want more freedom and adventure in our lives, but instead feel the weight of our neverending To-Do lists.

As deeply caring women who want to make a difference, how do we make a positive impact in the world, while still creating lives we love?

This question is key, as it reveals the either/or mentality that we often get stuck in.  The truth is, we are part of the world we want to make a difference in.  When one of us suffers, we all suffer a little bit more. When one of us wins, it has the power to lift us all.

The world will be set free by women who are free.

The more we creatively discover ways to thrive in our lives, the more energy and joy we can bring to our work and relationships. The key is to nurture our own deep sense of freedom, knowing that it creates a ripple effect that positively impacts the world around us.
There are a few key things that nurture our freedom, as women…


The power of a supportive sisterhood holding space for your intentions is like nothing else!  Their intentions are that yours are fulfilled, and vice versa. How beautiful is that?!


So many of us get stuck beneath a mountain of tasks, in part because we’re not clear where to put our energy and attention.  But it’s hard to have a map when we don’t know where we’re headed!  It’s important that we cultivate a clear vision – a “North Star” – that includes both us, and what we want for the world.  This helps us align our everyday actions.


Know that the little things count.  Taking a 10 minute walk when you’re feeling stressed, doing a random act of kindness when you’re in a rush, and putting on your favorite mala before heading out the door….these seemingly little things can add up to a big impact in our lives and energy.

Living with intention isn’t something that we can put off until
after our work is done.  It is our work.  And it can start today…


This guest post is written by our dear friend, Nisha Moodley – Women’s Leadership Coach and founder of Global Sisterhood Day.  Nisha’s free 14-Day Freedom Adventure starts today!  Be sure to check it out.

The post 3 Ways to find your Freedom through Intention appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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