Apple Cider Vinegar Shots + Morning Meditation

This morning we have a burst of wellness coming to you from our inspiring guest writer Seana of The Bohemian Blonde. Check out her video and allow her to guide you through prepping your own apple cider vinegar shots.

I’ve been starting my mornings with a new routine that I can’t wait to share with you! I’m trying to break my coffee habit as I’ve been experiencing late in the day exhaustion and I think it’s due to my big ‘ol cup of joe in the morning. It’s also not the healthiest habit, so I’m replacing it for a bit with apple cider vinegar!

Here’s why, apple cider vinegar is loaded with benefits that are incredible for your system which will still give you that morning jolt to wake up (see my face in the video? Woke right up!)

How I drink my morning ACV shot:

+ 2 tablespoons of ACV

+ 1/4 cup of organic lemonade

 ACV Benefits include:

+ helps regulate PH

+ numerous studies have shown participants lose weight

+ rich in enzymes and high in potassium

+ helps regulate digestion

+ kills the bad gut bacteria that can build up overtime

+ great for taking before, during and after a cold to help it move along quicker (it’s been shown to break down mucus)

+ helps curb hunger

+ natures natural antibiotic

+ AVC contains enzymes that’ll help boost your energy

+ great to take before a workout to feel uplifted and energized

+ naturally balances blood sugar levels

+ helps move everything along – if you know what I mean

+ helps fight candida (overgrowth of bad bacteria)

What juice do I use?

 I’ll be honest with you, the first time I took a PLAIN shot of ACV I almost threw up. SO, I found these two organic juices to help as I wasn’t about to give up as I knew the benefits were worth it, I just need to find a way to cover the taste. I found two juices; the first one was Strawberry Lemonade form Santa Cruz and Regular Lemonade also from Santa Cruz. They’re both GMO-free and organic, holla! Found them at the local co-op. The fruity flavors cover the vinegar taste perfectly. You’ll hardly notice that you’re taking a shot of vinegar with these and strangely enough, it’s incredibly refreshing!

Where do get my ACV?

I always purchase Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar as not all ACV is created equal. Be sure to look for the GMO-free and  USDA organic seal when purchasing yours to assure that you’re getting quality ACV.  Apples are one of the highest sprayed fruits so you’ll want to get it organic or there’s no reason to be drinking it for it’s benefits in the first place.

After these two shots (I normally only do one but for the purpose of the video, I did two –oops!) I took 10 minutes to reflect in my meditation practice and kept my mala necklace close to feel it’s energy.

Seana is a Health + Wellness Coach who believes in living a powerful life where you are the driver of your destiny. She shares clean eating ideas, workouts, meditations, holistic wellbeing and more on her blog, The Bohemian Blonde, and currently helps over 200+ members in an online community called Motivated Mavens.

The post Apple Cider Vinegar Shots + Morning Meditation appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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