Day 13/14 of Self Love :: A Rebellious Act of Self-Love

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Comparison can be corrosive. It can eat away at your self-confidence and self-love. There will always be someone smarter, prettier, thinner, richer, more successful, more flexible, more loved, less bossy, less afraid. Compared to them, how can you measure up? The prevalence of social media in our daily lives makes the comparison game even harder to escape.

Consider a radical act of rebellious self-love: stop comparing. Yes, she has a six pack and a Lamborghini. Yes, he has 400,000,000 instagram followers and a published book. This information does not change you, shape you, or need to have an effect on how you feel.

There are two sides to this way of thinking: you don’t need to let other people’s accomplishments dim the light of yours, and also, that while a six pack and publishing deal may be nice, you are only seeing this person’s highlight reel. You never know the difficulties that these perfect people are dealing with. They might even be similar to challenges you are facing.

What books would you write, artworks would you paint, songs would you sing if you don’t compare yourself to the talents of history? What beautiful parts of life are you missing out on when you hold yourself back?

A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.


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