Day 5/14 of Self Love :: Nourishment Through Foods

When it comes to self care and self love, there’s no better way of working than from the inside out. As the saying goes; ‘You are what you eat’, and consuming things that provide love and care for the body is one way of truly helping yourself become your best self.

The ancient health system of Ayurveda (literally translated as the ‘science of life’), considers our diet to be one of the primary ways of influencing the body and mind. Certain foods, oils and herbs are said to have certain properties or tastes: Sweet, made up of the earth and water elements; sour – water and fire elements; salty – earth and fire elements; pungent – fire and air elements; bitter, of the air and ether elements; and astringent, composed of the air and earth elements.

The different tastes, elements and properties can be used to influence us in different ways, depending on each person’s own particular body and mind type. In Sanskrit, these tastes are known as Rasa. Interestingly, the word Rasa comes from the root word Ras, which means ‘to relish, to love, to taste, to feel, to desire etc.’

Whilst we can use different tastes and herbs to make changes depending upon our needs, there is one branch of Ayurveda which specialises in restoring, rejuvenating, and nourishing all of the body’s systems, and this is known as Rasayana.


There are a few different types of Rasayanas or ‘rejuvenative’ therapies, aimed at returning the body’s natural physical and subtle ‘glow’. The type dealing with foods and herbs that nourish the body is known as Dravaya Rasayana. This branch is divided into a further set of specific rejuvenative uses, including slowing down the ageing process, enhancing brain power, promoting healthy eyesight, and preventing and curing disease.

Whilst there are a few specific Ayurvedic concoctions and herbs designed to rejuvenate and strengthen the systems, such as Chyavanprash, brahmi, vachashankhpushpi, guduchi rasayana, amalaki rasayana, and ashwagandha, there are lots of every-day foods and spices that can also serve as powerful rasayanas.

Nourishing Foods To Show Your Body Some Love

Eat foods which are in season

Good quality nut butters
Pumpkin Seeds
Good quality oils
Organic, whole milk
Whole grains
Bone broth
Black pepper


Emma Newlyn

Emma is a 500hr qualified Yoga teacher, musician, massage therapist, cook, and writer. Having grown up surrounded by Yoga and meditation, Emma began her practice at a young age and has continued to study and develop her understanding of Yoga on a daily basis. Training internationally with inspirational teachers, Emma’s passions now lie primarily in philosophy and Yoga off the mat. Emma currently teaches regularly in Sussex, co-leading teacher trainings, retreats, workshops and kirtans, and also manages the Brighton Yoga Festival. When she’s not teaching, writing or cooking, Emma loves spending time in nature, and travelling to new places.

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