Discovering Your Mantra

In ancient times, mantras were handed down by teachers or gurus. Nowadays many people can easily feel overwhelmed by trying to discover their personal mantra. We’re here to let you know that you have the ability to discover and create your own! You just have to know what you’re looking for.

The term “mantra” comes from two ancient Sanskrit words:

Mantra directly translates to “instrument of thought” and is a powerful sound and/or set of vibrations. It is formed with a single word, sentence or phrase that you repeat to yourself during meditations to keep focused. We use them to keep the mind connected, our souls energized and our spirit aligned with our manifesting intentions. By regularly meditating with your mantra your mind connects positive intentions with actions, leaving no room for negativity.

Here are some tips on how to discover the perfect mantra for you right now:

    • Start by asking yourself the following important questions
    • What do I need from the universe?
    • What am I looking to create in my life?
    • Do any of the ancient sanskrit mantras have personal meaning or relevance to me, or am I more of a modern girl?

If you’re new to mantras, don’t pick something too complicated. It should be easy to repeat and remember.

You’re never limited to only one, not in a single day or ever! Discover what’s right for you as you experience life and grow in your unique way. 

To get started here are some of our fav mantras here on Team TD

Modern Day Mantras

  1. “I am loved
  2. “I am open to the abundance of the universe.”
  3. “Where I am right now is exactly where I need to be.”
  4. I am worthy
  5. “I am open to change

Traditional Sanskrit Mantras

Sanskrit is an ancient and sacred language that some linguists have described as the “perfect language”. The pronunciation evokes a unique vibration in the Universe, putting in motion whatever you’re looking to manifest.

  1. “OM”: The sound of the universe.

Pronounced ( Awe – oo – mmmm) when chanted it vibrates at 432 Hz which is the same frequencies found everywhere throughout nature! So by chanting “ommmmmm” we’re acknowledging and connecting with all living beings, nature and the universe itself!

   2.“Om Namah Shivaya”: “I honor the divinity within myself”

This is one of the most powerful ancient mantras, and it has been said, that regular practice of it will bring you closer to the divine nature within yourself

   3. “Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bhavantu”:  “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Kindness is so gangster, why not wish happiness and love for all people? You may be surprised by how much wishing wellness and prosperity on others can bring back to you in turn.

So now that you have done your research, and discovered which mantra works for you, give it a try! Grab your mala or sacred jewelry, your favorite candle and get comfy. When you first begin to meditate with your mantra notice how you feel. Does it create positive physical sensations, emotions or a state of being? Do you feel empowered? Every soul vibrates at different frequencies so not every mantra will work for everyone. Be patient in finding what is right for you.

Meditating with mantras is a spiritual practice, and just like anything, time and dedication are key you your success. Whether you create your own unique mantra or feel inspired to use a traditional sanskrit one, make sure you take the time to sit, be still, travel within and confirm with the universe the intention you are looking to manifest

Do you meditate with a mantra? Where did you get yours?

Feel free to share your mantra experiences in the comments below.

The post Discovering Your Mantra appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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