Gratitude is My Prayer

Prayer is an important tool in all of our lives. And it’s not used nearly as much as it could be. Do you have rituals in your day where you are giving thanks?

Expressing gratitude and giving thanks is a form of prayer. When we say thank you for what we already have, we are asking God or The Universe or a power that is greater than ourselves to give us even more to be thankful for. Writing in your gratitude journal is a form of prayer. Giving thanks before a meal is a prayer. Saying ‘thank you for this gift of another day’ when you wake up is a prayer. When we widen our scope about what prayer looks like, we may find many opportunities in our day when we are praying.

Having grown up without any formal prayers or spiritual practice, it wasn’t until my daughter was born that I started looking at my faith and spirituality. At first, my focus was only on gratitude as my prayer, which on its own can be very powerful! I manifested many wonderful things in my life using gratitude intentions. A gratitude intention is when you write something that you are grateful for, in the present tense, that you have yet to manifest in real life. You write the same intention in your journal, every day, until it becomes your reality.

My practice continues to grow today and currently includes a morning prayer ritual, meditation, gratitude before I eat and giving thanks in my gratitude journal every night.

You don’t have to be religious to benefit from the power of prayer. A prayer of gratitude can change your life. When you give thanks, do it from a place deep inside of you, right from your cells and create a beautiful vibration at the highest energetic frequency possible. Send out your message of thanks into the world and watch carefully what comes back to you. You will be amazed and surprised at the gifts that will show up.

What are you prayer practices? How can you use the incredible power of gratitude to fuel your prayers and connect you to a higher power?

Julie Boyer’s mission in life is to inspire people to build their lives on a foundation of gratitude through her brand, Wake Up With Gratitude™. Julie’s first book, 30 Days of Gratitude, The Gratitude Program That Will Change Your Life, became an Amazon bestseller when it was released in May 2013. She is also the founder of the 30 Day Whole Body Detox Program, a healthy, whole food detox that nourishes your body at the cellular level. Julie also loves to mentor and develop leaders through her mentorship program as well. A former triathlete, Julie has completed 3 full Ironman Distance triathlons. Julie lives in Ontario, Canada with her 6 year old daughter and husband Dan. She can be reached on her blogInstagramTwitter and Facebook.

The post Gratitude is My Prayer appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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