New Moon Manifesting: Four Essential Oils to Help Attract What you Want into your Life

The cycle of a New moon is a time of new beginnings and an opportunity to plant seeds for what you would like to grow in your life. We do this by setting intentions on the new moon and beginning the process of manifestation. It’s important to get clear about what you really want to create in your future and essential oils are the perfect thing to help you with this! Because the new moon is about positive change, it is associated with optimism and taking action. All four oils embody this sentiment and can be used aromatically and topically during your new moon ritual.

Wild Orange: Known as the oil of “abundance”, Wild Orange is an uplifting citrus oil that inspires good fortune. We all want more abundance in our life whether it comes in the form of more love, time or wealth. When we are beginning the process of manifesting on the new moon, it is important to come from a place of abundance and not from a place of scarcity. Wild Orange helps us to release any beliefs around lack that can come in the form of fear, anxiety or perfectionism. As we let go of these thought patterns we tune into an abundant vibration which allows us to receive throughout the rest of the moon cycle. You can use Wild Orange on your diffuser mala while setting your intentions and/or place a drop on the paper you are writing the intentions on.

Encouraging Blend: This blend of citrus and mint oils (peppermint, clementine, coriander, Basil, Melissa) is the ideal blend to motivate you to sit down and get clear about what intentions and goals you want to set for the month ahead and the future. The universe is much quicker to respond to what we want to manifest when we are crystal clear about our desires and dreams. Taking the time to really think about what you want to call in to your life is the perfect activity do with a drop of this blend on your heart chakra or on a diffuser bracelet. This blend is also known for helping you to reconnect with your desire to serve others and align with your larger purpose.

Lavender: Thought of as the oil of “communication,” Lavender helps us clearly speak of our needs and wants. As we connect to our deepest desires on the new moon, lavender supports us in clearly communicating this with the universe. It allows us to connect honestly with our emotions and thoughts that we may be resisting. Any possible fears we have about our dreams and goals can be brought to the surface and released with lavender. A drop of this oil on your throat chakra or on your mala necklace is perfect to make a part of your new moon ritual.

Clary Sage: Widely accepted as the oil of “clarity,” Clary Sage aids us in changing our perceptions and allows to see what is really in front of us. When we use clary sage on the new moon we become open to new ideas and experiences. As we begin to set intentions on the new moon and think about what we want to see and feel in the future this oil helps us expand our vision and think big. Any blocks we have dissipate and we become open to all the possibilities. A drop of Clary Sage is ideal for your third eye chakra or in a diffuser.

What do you want to manifest this month? Grab your favorite oil and set aside some time to write your intentions, dreams and goals down!

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Author: Light and Lotus

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