Planting Seeds of Intention with the New Moon

Sunday’s new moon marks the start of the lunar cycle, the ideal time to cultivate new beginnings and create your best life.

For this new moon, we are planting seeds of intention so that they may bloom into an abundant future. Check out the step-by-step guide below on how to plant your seeds of intention and manifest your heart’s truest dreams + desires.

How to plant your seeds of intention:

 1. Be Present

Presence is one of the best gifts that we can give to ourselves, especially in times of new beginnings. In order to be present, you must release what’s no longer serving you. Letting go of the old will clear up space for what you hope to manifest. Turn your energy inward and focus on yourself; move into the here and now.

 2. Discover your intention

Take a moment to meditate and discover your heart’s truest dreams + desires. Pause in stillness with eyes closed and begin breathing deeply. Ask yourself: “What do I want?” + “How do I want to feel?” This will help you to establish a clear intention.

 3. Find clarity + “Plant” it

Once your heart reveals your intention to you, grab your favourite journal and write it down.

Writing down your intention will increase vision and clarity. It will also allow you to come back and revisit exactly what it is that you’ve set your heart on.

This is also like sending your intention out into the universe so that it may be manifested, or in this case, planting the seed of your intention so that it may bloom.

Questions to consider when journaling:

  • Are there any specific feelings tied to this intention?
  • Are there any goals or achievements you’re working towards with this intention?
  • What steps can you take to move yourself closer to this intention?
  • What will it mean to you to fulfill this intention?

 4. Keep your intention with you + Nourish it

Carrying your intention with you is a powerful way to fill it with heartfelt high vibes, allowing it to manifest + bloom.

I’m infusing my intention into my celestial moon mala bracelet. Its the perfect spiritual forget-me-not,  serving as as symbolic reminder of my connection with the celestial powers that be + the intentions I am planting at the core of it all.

We want you to have it too! for the next week, until 4/30 at 11:59 PM, PST, we;re including one free with all orders of $48+ 

Druzy Crystal is highly potent magic generating gemstone and is often referred to as the witches stone. This gem is known to be one of the most powerful in the world when programming your crystal for intention setting. Paired with the magic of Moonstone.. the sky is literally the limit! Tap into your inner sorceress and get ready for the new moon on 4/30 at 4:28 PM PST.

Jamie Diana is our in house ambassador & inspiration guru. She is a yoga teacher + writer who is dedicated to empowering women to live magically and experience their best lives through yoga, meditation, goddess work, moon manifesting, and natural wellness.


The post Planting Seeds of Intention with the New Moon appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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