Sexy Soulful Success with Emily Cassel

Recently we connected with Emily Cassel, the woman behind the Sexy Soulful Success podcast.  We were inspired by her ability to “balance strategic masculine structures with soulful feminine flow to help women create a BIG impact and pursue their sacred vision, while still being able to show up and be present in their lives for what matters most to them outside of running their businesses”

Read more from our chat with Emily!

What are your core values, and what do they mean to you?

My core values are freedom, beauty, romance, community, abundance, + authenticity.

To me, freedom means doing the inner work to unlearn limiting beliefs + patterns that no longer serve me to liberate myself from small thinking so that I can experience both intrinsic and extrinsic success.

Beauty is all about tuning into my senses and creating sacred spaces in my home, during events, + in everyday moments that feel magical and special. It’s all about being intentional and curating my environment and life to feel as though it evokes a sense of awe and wonder. This value also allows me to feel creative and organized, and to remember that I hold the power to alchemize any situation into something beautiful, no matter how it may appear at first glance.

To me, romance extends far beyond partnership, and is all about being gentle with myself and others, taking inspired action, and doing all things with devotion and through the lens of unconditional love. Things like buying myself fresh flowers, treating myself to something special, lighting candles, taking extra time and care with my clients, and cooking nourishing meals all feel like expressions of romance to me. I think of the concept of treating life as my lover, and noticing how perfect the journey is unfolding, even when it doesn’t make sense in the present moment.

Community is all about sisterhood, and surrounding myself with friends and other connections that feel like soul family.

Abundance is about experiencing the fullness of myself, life, & every moment, noticing how there is always more than enough to go around. Personally, I love connecting with mother nature as a reminder of the abundance that is inherent on this planet for all of us, in every way. I am constantly affirming to myself that there are always more opportunities coming, more resources available, more women who are looking for me, and more work to be done in even more fulfilling ways. When something doesn’t work out the way I expected or wanted it to, I remind myself that it’s always because there’s something else even more magical coming my way.

Authenticity is about embracing + expressing the fullness of who I am in all ways, in all moments, and in all of my many internal archetypes. I remind myself that I will always feel in alignment and know what to do next when I am being true to myself, because that means I’m living from my soul.


What has been your most impactful moment at a retreat to date?

The most powerful moment I’ve had on retreat was being in Volcano, Hawaii under the full moon, watching the active volcano of Pele, The Hawaiian Volcano Goddess, who represents passion. Everywhere I looked, there was a message wanting to be known, and it felt so sacred. A few of the women who were on the retreat were there, too, and we started uncontrollably giggling a contagious laughter and none of us could stop! We had the BEST time ever, and also offered Pele an offering gift made of banana leaves, dragonfruit, starfruit, + other natural materials.

What does Sexy Soulful Success mean to you?

To me, Sexy Soulful Success means being tuned into your innate feminine wisdom, feeling confident in the truth of who you are, living and leading your soul’s mission, and staying devoted to creating the impact you’re here to create by sharing your unique gifts with the world.

It’s about recognizing that your influence doesn’t come from an external title or role that you play, but from allowing your voice to be heard, answering your soul’s calling, and living your life to the fullest based on what makes you come alive.

I believe every woman has her own unique way of expressing her own brand of Sexy Soulful Success, and every expression is needed, exquisite, and world-changing when witnessed.

What has been the biggest hurdle to your success so far, and how did you learn from it?

The biggest hurdle is always myself, even when that’s hard to admit! I truly believe that the only thing that holds all of us back from success is ourselves — our belief systems, and our willingness to act in alignment with a belief system that supports the future we wish to create for ourselves and for the world.

That being said, one of the biggest hurdles to my success has been not being willing to delegate things out in my business and trying to do it all myself so that I could have more control over everything. Ultimately, that left me feeling like there was always more to do on a never-ending list that kept growing every single week. When that was the case, I felt like I was constantly “behind” and never able to celebrate the big things I was accomplishing, because I was drowning in my overwhelm! I hardly had time to get to one yoga class a week, and I wasn’t prioritizing my self-care or living my values — and I definitely felt it!

From this situation, I learned that it can be powerful to hire out certain tasks that are outside of my zone of genius or don’t bring me more alive when I do them. Now, I have built a small team of women to support me with everything from my podcast, to newsletters, to social media. It’s still me creating the content, communicating with my tribe, and doing the things that feel exciting to me, but I’m no longer doing the tedious administrative stuff so that I can really focus on honing my craft and focusing my energies on higher-level tasks.

In this way, I am now the boss and leader of my business instead of operating as an employee as I was before. It was a tremendously valuable lesson for me, and one that will continue to support me as I grow and shift my business! I’ve also been able to better identify where the women leaders and entrepreneurs I coach through my business are falling into the same trap, and help them learn from my mistake of waiting too long to delegate things out so they can be more effective and impactful faster!

What is your self care routine?

My self-care routine is constantly changing! I follow the moon cycle closely, which aligns with my personal menstrual cycle. By checking in with where my body is and what she needs, I’m better able to give her what she needs to function optimally. That typically includes shifting the food I eat based on the nutrients my body needs most during the phase I’m currently in, using essential oils, taking a yoga class or a long walk with my sweet pup (Kai), reading, and spending lots of quality time with myself. I like to change things up a lot because I’m a natural rebel, and need lots of variety to stay consistent with self-care, but this disposition lends itself well to a more cyclical method of knowing what I need, and providing what would be the most nourishing and supportive during each phase!

Emily Cassel is a Mentor Masterclass Certified Life, Business, + Leadership Coach for soulful + ambitious women on a mission to make the world a better place.

She holds a BA in Psychology, Marketing, & Sustainable Food Systems from Chatham University, has been recognized as one of the top 100 Life Coach Blogs by Feedspot, and her work has been featured on The Huffington Post and Best Kept Self, among other notable online publications.

Emily is the podcast host of Sexy Soulful Success, where she holds a space for visionary conversations with inspiring women leaders to redefine success and womanhood for modern-day change-making women.

The post Sexy Soulful Success with Emily Cassel appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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