Spirituality For Success – Unlocking your Spiritual Side for more Success as an Entrepreneur

What if I told you unlocking your spiritual side will increase your success as an entrepreneur, would you believe me?

You might be sceptical, just as I was. Having graduated in business and being an entrepreneur since my twenties, I was hard to woo. I was a toughened business woman who believed in traditional business and marketing methods.

That was until I hit rock bottom and felt that I had failed my first business, my kids and my family. In the depths of my downward spiral, I discovered mentors who believed in greater powers and Universal energies. I became obsessed with self-development, the Law of Attraction and I even googled ‘how to meditate’.

I began to find peace in meditation and realised that for years, I had been hiding under lots of masks and the pretence of having everything together. My inner being had felt the opposite. With some of the masks removed and a stripping of my soul, I connected to my inner most truth and began to absorb support from these Universal powers.

Success was an inside game. Everything I had followed for years had failed me. I was not the failure. My beliefs were.

With a spiritual backpack on my back, I began to rebuild myself and found that my day to day experience was shifting from that of anxiety to tranquillity, newfound freedom and hope. Over time I began to witness lots of small miracles in my life. But I was also hit with great earthquakes too, taking me out of my zone. Each time I fell, I used every spiritual tool and practice I knew to realign myself for success and miracles. It was the most unglamorous awakening ever but totally worth it.

As the Universe would have it, I manifested the divine download to work with other entrepreneurs and mentor them around growing their business from a spiritual perspective. As soon as I began talking about the two together, my growth as a coach exploded.

Here are some tips to allow spirituality to enhance your success as an entrepreneur:

1 Have a non-negotiable spiritual practice that allows you to connect with universal energy or whatever you believe in, on a daily basis.

2 Challenge yourself to use your intuition as a sounding board for making those business decisions. Meditate, go within, or journal when you are faced with opportunities and decisions. Your intuition always knows what’s best.

3 Ask for Universal support when you feel fearful or are pushed outside your comfort zone. Recognise your fear as the voice of the ego, your dark side. My clients have overcome fear of visibility, fear of speaking their truth and fear of sharing their message with the World, by relying on spiritual tools.

4 Trust that you are supported unconditionally. Stop relying on your own strength to be successful. Know that you are being guided, watched over and supported, and feel the relief in your energy.

5 Be the light. Lead with light and love always. So many entrepreneurs are thinking ‘what’s in it for me?’. When you shift away from ego based thoughts towards loving thoughts and being of service to your clients, your business will grow tenfold.

6 Practice gratitude every day to get into the highest vibration possible. Allow yourself to get into the feeling of being grateful. It’s easy to say you’re grateful or to think it, but actually feeling it, is where the magic begins. This sends a signal to the Universe that you are ready for more miracles in your life and business.

7 Ask yourself what is the ‘higher good’ of your business. Why are you doing this work and what purpose does it serve. When you can tap into your ‘why’ on a deeper level, your success will be magnified.

8 Get grounded to take massive action. Achieving balance between spirituality and business is key to success. Allow your spiritual practice to fuel your growth so that you achieve more and burnout less.

9 Use your energy to feed your growth. Energetic marketing has been transformational for my clients as they step into new beliefs about themselves and attract a tribe that vibes with them. Imagine everything you put out into the World being reciprocated back to you. Raised consciousness allows more fun, freedom and abundance.

10 Invite your Higher Self to every party! Celebrate all of your wins and thank your Higher Self for showing up. The more you celebrate the small wins, the bigger the successes that come your way.

Have fun with your spiritual growth and enjoy even more success!

Lynne Taggart is a Motivational Speaker, Business Coach and Success Strategist who works with Spiritual Entrepreneurs, supporting them to step into the best version of themselves and elevate their success.She believes that success comes from your inner self mastery, tuning into your Higher Self and a connection to Universal energies.

Lynne has built a multi 6 figure business, through online Coaching, Group Programs and live events. She is the founder of Soul Biz Mastery, High Vibe Live luxury retreats and the High Vibe Mentorship. She is a Mum, Essential Oil lover, and loves to travel.

Lynne is a Gabby Bernstein Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 and Level 2 Graduate and a May Cause Miracles Practitioner. Lynne has been an entrepreneur for over 12 years, having graduated in Business Management and has supported many business owners with their growth.




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