The Holiday Guide to Gifting with Intention


It’s the time of year where party time tends to trump time spent on your mat! So…..  we came up with this holiday guide to help inspire your gift giving for the yoga lovers, wellness enthusiasts and meditators in your life. Here’s our favourite products to keep you and your loved ones focussed on your physical and spiritual health into the new year!

  1. Inner Fire

Inner Fire creates beautiful, high quality, suuuuuper comfy lifestyle clothing that fosters connection and honours Mother Earth.  We basically live in these Flower of Life leggings and everyone we know has these on their Holiday wish list!



2. Tiny Devotions

We obviously looove our mala beads and Tiny Devotions  is the original creator of gemstone malas. They have stepped up their mala game this year with their Limitless Collection. The Limitless mala is the first interchangeable mala in the universe. We love that you can change up your intentions with your fave guru stones. There are hundreds of combos and Tiny Devotions is always adding new amplifiers to this growing collection.

3. ToeSox

We love that the ToeSox intention is to create products that enhance and support natural movement! We rock our Sox during Barre and pilates classes, so this is perfect gift for your ballerina bestie or fit mama who is all about working her core on those reformers we love to hate.


4. La Vie Boheme Yoga

Who doesn’t need (or want) a mat that’s both beautiful AND extra comfy.  La Vie Boheme Yoga has chosen every single piece of their collection to represent their love of beautiful prints, and colors as well as functionality and comfort for daily practice.  We are in hearts with the starry vibes of the Celestial Hot Towel Mat. One for a gift and one for me?



5. Christine Russell of 889 and doTERRA

Christine Russell, founder of 889 Yoga Studio and a doTERRA Wellness Advocate can’t say enough good things about the doTERRA  Balance essential oil, and we are right there with her!
This warm and woodsy blend is perfect for grounding, calm and an overall sense of well being. It’s ideal for the oil junkies in your life who’ve always got their diffuser on! We will be slipping these into a bunch of stockings this year.

6. Philosophie

Eating clean can be one of life’s biggest struggles (especially during the Holidays), but Philosophie by yoga superstar Sophie Jaffe  is providing us with food that makes life better!! Her Coconut Butters and Superfood Honeys make your avocado toast ooooh so much better. And don’t get us started on her Philosophie Powders …  your morning smoothie will never be the same! We are upping our dose of these healthy treats to balance out all those Holiday cookies. (Read: wine)



BONUS: For the Stocking
It’s high time you gave yourself (or your bestie!) a healthy dose of self-love with Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Love Notes.

This 52-card deck features gorgeous illustrations by artist Lori Portka that serve as gentle yet powerful reminders to help you care for and appreciate yourself at the deepest level.


The post The Holiday 2017 Guide to Gifting with Intention appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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