To the girl who wants to have it all

The answer is yes. You can abso-friggen-lutely have everything that your soul desires. The people who tell you otherwise, those afraid of the big life you want to live and who want to keep you small, they’re wrong. The success, the love, the magic you seek? You’re worthy of it.

Your passion, your determination, your never-ending days and sleepless nights will all get you to exactly where you want and need to be, but not without patience. You’re your own toughest critic, but only because it keeps you on track, motivated, and accountable. You’ll be met with plenty of closed doors and nos, and some of them might shake you so hard you’ll want to give up, but don’t. Please don’t forget that you will never miss anything that was meant for you along your journey.

Between work, working out, maintaining a social life and everything in between, you pack your schedule full to the brim and often find yourself running on fumes (coffee fumes, that is). You pride yourself on your productivity, and you think you’ve figured out a sustainable way to cheat exhaustion without actually taking time to rest, but don’t fool yourself – you haven’t. You check goals off of your list like you’re grocery shopping, and you often put your heart’s desires before your personal needs.

Pause. Take a step back. Breathe. Slow it way, waaay down. Admire all the good things and humans you’ve filled your life with thus far. Give yourself permission to prioritize pleasure, play, and rest once in a blue moon; it won’t kill you or tack on any extra miles to your trip toward your vision of your best life. You lovingly hold space for others, so why don’t you try holding space for yourself? Most importantly, remember this: you don’t have to do it all, all the time.

You are doing the best that you can. Take pride in that idea. Cultivate a joy-filled life around that idea. You can have it all as long as you remember to take care of yourself along the way.

Get it, girl. Slay.

Jenna is a yoga teacher, writer, and brand builder on a mission to fuel her life withurpose and to explore the world. She was raised in Minnesota but considers Colorado her home away from home. Currently, you can find her in Minneapolis, where she is creating the life she has always dreamed of.

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