Use your intuition to find the perfect limitless mala

Hi! My name is Angie Aristone, I’m a psychic-medium, flow coach, and the author of Consciousness Becomes You. Today I want to help you intuitively choose the perfect limitless mala and amplifier. So what is intuition? It’s the subtle whisper of a vastly wise and intelligent part of yourself guiding your thoughts and actions when your thinking mind is quiet. The biggest obstacle to connecting with this part of ourselves is our convincing and opinionated egos. So, the question you might be asking is: how do I sidestep my ego and get in touch with my always connected, eternal and authentic self? With practice, we can summon the ego dropping experience and drop into a blissful connection during meditation. For others, quieting the monkey mind can be a little trickier, so I recommend doing what you love, or loving what you’re doing, to the point where you lose track of time and you feel like everything is right. If you can lose yourself in the perfection of the moment, your prefrontal cortex will quiet and you’ll slip into your connected, eternal and authentic self. I hope you will explore this experience often! Remember, how you get there, whether it was cooking or running, meditating or dancing is irrelevant. Be in your authentic connected self as often as possible!

Choosing the perfect limitless mala and amplifier

For simplicity sake, let’s say your intention is to balance and align your chakras:

  • Before you shop with intention, take a few minutes to cross your legs and meditate.

    • Play your favorite meditation music while you meditate and while you shop to anchor yourself in connection.

    • Start by witnessing your breath. Then imagine your chakras opening using all of your subtle senses – inner sight, sound, feel, taste, smell.

  • Notice which of them you may have struggled to feel or imagine to the color of. Notice also if there is another sense you use that informs you of an obstacle.

    • Ask yourself: Does one chakra feel flat? Off? Colorless or dull? OR conversely, is are there any that are too open?

  • Ask yourself: what would my energy and my life look and feel like when I’m in total alignment? Spend a few minutes exploring what your potential future looks like in total alignment.

    • Set the intention now to be drawn to, and to brighten, when you come across the limitless mala and amplifier that will help resolve to this issue or enhance your desire. In other words, we are not looking for the color we could not imagine in meditation, we are remaining open to what ‘feels’ like a remedy or like medicine to our energy system.

    • Time to tune into a solution! While your soundtrack is still playing, shift to an eyes open mediation while you shop. Continue to witness your breath..stay present. Let yourself flow through the website effortlessly and playfully. There is no try, think or effort here. Just gentle curiosity.

  • Notice if a particular mala or amplifier creates a sensation of brightening, sort of like a smile on the inside, the sort of feeling you get when you spot a familiar face in a crowd. In this case we brighten when we come across the solution to our desire or block.

  • Gaze and breathe as you tune in to one mala and amplifier at a time, paying attention to any subtle sensations that arise. Take your time exploring without any judgement or running commentary until you feel settled.

  • Your intuition has already found the perfect mala and amplifier for you, it’s okay if it takes your ego some time to catch up and trust the wisdom of your intuition.

Angie has worked as a psychic medium and flow coach for 16 years. She holds workshops helping people learn to access extraordinary abilities in flow states of consciousness, and is the co author of the book Consciousness Becomes You.

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