What's Your Spirit Animal Saying to You?

What is Your Spirit Animal Saying to You?

It is a widely known thought that we can have 'Guides', Conscious Energies or Subtle Beings around us, that lovingly come to us to serve as intermediaries through various periods of time in our life, or even over the course of our entire lifetime. 

Guides have different purposes. For example, Guides can be Protectors or Guardians, Healers, Teachers, Messengers, and so on. They come to our aid with the purpose of steering us through a situation, assisting us with an obstacle or emotion that seems just too difficult to overcome on our own. It is perfectly normal to become overwhelmed; we have innumerable decisions that we must make on a daily basis, and countless responsibilities and expectations that we must meet, in all facets of our life: home, work, health, wealth, you name it. Sometimes, we just need an extra bit of involvement from an outside source, whether it be a friend, a colleague, or as I find the most immediate to intervene with help, the Divine and our Guides. 

Guides are beings of Light, meaning they work in the mode of goodness. They can be in the form of Angels, Ancestors and past loved ones, Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses, and Elemental Guides, like fairies!

We don't always need to see them physically to know they are there. I used to become terribly frustrated when I would call out to a Guide and not 'see' any around me. I would use Angel card decks, or go out in nature and talk to nothing, hoping to receive a response. Then I learned that Seeing doesn't necessarily mean they appear before us in the physical realm, in the form in which we expect. Have you ever noticed repeated patterns of numbers or objects, or heard a song come on at a precisely relevant moment, or experienced wonderful, timely synchronizations? These are ways your Guides are also communicating to you. That's where strengthening your intuition, or your mind's eye, comes into play. To be able to perceive these modes of communication as they happen, while awake or in dream state. Meditation certainly helps with this, and having an open ear and heart to trust that you are supported, that everything is unfolding exactly as it should, in this moment, for your Highest purpose. 

I had a bizarre experience happen to me once where I was riding my bicycle (while simultaneously singing sacred chants, of course… typical Melinda style) down a sidewalk of a main city street, and two DEER appeared! There was a ravine below this street where they must have come from, but still, to be that close to cars and traffic without being afraid? They were literally trotting right beside me, as I rode and sang, keeping pace with me for quite some time. Like my companions. It was since that night that my curiosity peaked for another type of Guide: Spirit Animals.

So just as I mentioned before that Guides are present and communicate in alternate ways, the same can be said about the recurrence of a certain animal in our life, or in the reality of our dreams. 

Yesterday I was discussing with a dear friend of mine how we came to know his Spirit Animal. His answer: he doesn't have one, he has four. I really admire how attune he is to the behaviors and characteristics of animals. These beings really have so much to teach us. And bonus, they are surrounding us; therefore, they are tangible. Observing and interacting with animals has many benefits: it brings out our qualities of compassion and equality, for the deeper we look, we notice that Souls are within other forms of life outside our own. They remind us to play (our inner child needs to!) or be strong or forgiving, and they show us the capacity of unconditional love. Discovering your Spirit Animal is an excellent way to learn to respect nature more too. 

Be open to your Spirit Animal's appearance in your life. If not in nature, it could even be in poems, pictures, etc. A Spirit Animal will empower you. Be aware of the type of occurrences in which your Spirit Animal manifests itself, as that indicates what it is trying to tell you. Each Spirit Animal has strengths and weakness that are important for you to learn about, as they directly apply to your life. The more you know, the better you will come to understand yourself, and maybe even recognize something you need to improve or change in your life. Remember, our Guides are leading us in the right direction, which includes being the best versions of ourselves we can be. 

There are many resources available to help you determine your Spirit Animal(s). Once you know which animal you strongly associate with, it is a beautiful practice to take time to show gratitude towards its presence and teachings in your life. Tiny Devotions offers 20 Spirit Animal bracelets to help you connect with your Spirit Animal, and its symbolic wisdom, on a daily basis. 


I hope this blog leaves you feeling receptive to the supportive relationships surrounding you, and receiving the help from all your Guides!


Tiny Devotions

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