
Breathe. The power of breath. Pranayama.

It’s sooo simple but somehow tends to be so difficult for so many of us to do. We forget. We disconnect from our breath. We leave our body. We stay in our mind.

Take a second and focus on your breath. Notice your inhale, notice your exhale. Is there tension in either? Is it difficult to inhale deeply? It is challenging to exhale fully?

How we breathe can be so indicative of so much that is going on within our bodies, minds and spirits. When we focus on our breath so much is revealed to us about where we are on our journey, where we need to heal and the thoughts that we might need to shift.

We can use our breath for so much healing:

To surrender to a situation, to let go of a hurt, to clear our mind, to detoxify, to go in with a cool calm collected confidence and to gently push through grief, challenges and sadness. Our breath can also help as step into gratitude, into joy, into bliss.

So are you listening to your breath today? What is your breath telling you today?

Lots of love from

The post Breathe appeared first on Tiny Devotions.

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